Triage New Issues

Adds `triage` label to newly-created issues and then removes it when other label(s) are added
Screenshot of Triage New Issues app
Screenshot of Triage New Issues app
Screenshot of Triage New Issues app
Screenshot of Triage New Issues app






December 7, 2022

Used By

pypa playframework adonisjs Semantic-Org CachetHQ iterative Azure microsoft Laravel-Backpack json-schema-org

Use programmatically

Install it using yarn v1 or above / npm v5 or above.

$ yarn add triage-new-issues

Install it to your profile

Go to and click the green "install" button.

Very much appreciated the work of Gyandeep Singh (@gyandeeps) on
the plugin for the ESLint's GitHub Bot!

In addition to it, to safe UI clicking and time, I just added ability to auto-remove triage label when another label is added.


We hosting it on, but if you want to host it yourself

  1. Decide where to host
  2. Check out Probot Docs on deploying
  3. Make sure your deployment service run the start script

ProTip: If you choose to host on Now, check now secrets help

Note: As of 15 November 2017, deploying on Now needs this workaround - probot/probot#318


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