
Darkest-PR is a GitHub app/bot for responding to actions and events in your repository using contextual quotes from Darkest Dungeon.
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app
Screenshot of Darkest-PR app






September 19, 2024


Darkest-PR Banner

Ruin has come to your repository!

Ever wanted the ancestor from Darkest Dungeon to narrate your development in his eccentric way?

Darkest-PR is a GitHub app/bot for responding to actions and events in your repository using contextual quotes from Darkest Dungeon.

Known Vulnerabilities
Vercel Deploy

Code Smells
Reliability Rating
Security Rating
Maintainability Rating

Quality gate


What is this?

Darkest-PR (PR stands for Pull-Request) is a GitHub app/bot to narrate your development, making development more exciting or desperate.

When certain events occur in the repository, Darkest-PR automatically evaluates the situation and responds with a fitting quote of ancestor from Darkest Dungeon.
Making the development more like a dungeon crawler run, a sensational journey, more alive, more sentimental, more thrilling and more depressing...

Depending on the contextual emotional matrix of the event, it could respond with a quote that'll raise the spirits of your teammates, rally their souls, or it could leave a comment to shame them for their failure, or compliment their greatness, strike fear into their hearts, speak out loud their rage.

Imagine such cases:

  • Someone is removed from PR assignment and the bot responds with:
    • "Send this one to journey elsewhere, for we have need of sterner stock."

  • PR is rejected (request change) and the bot responds with:
    • "Carelessness will find no clemency in this place!"

  • PR is closed without merge and the bot responds with:
    • "A setback, but not the end of things!"

  • PR is accepted and merged immediately and the bot responds with:
    • "A singular strike!"

  • Someone is assigned to an issue and the bot responds with:
    • "More arrive, foolishly seeking fortune and glory in this domain of the damned.",

Sometimes the quotes are so fitting, so perfect for the situation; it makes development a marvelous journey. Such epic that is worth narrating.



Demo Repository

There is a demo repository I've been using since the development of the project.

Go ahead and take a look at it there, maybe even add a comment tagging the app like @Darkest-PR and you will get a quote from the ancestor.


See below screenshots or navigate to screenshots directory to see it in action.

Click here to see the screenshots
  • PR approved

    Pull Request Approved

  • PR closed without merge

    Pull Request Closed without merge

  • PR request change (rejected)

    PR request change #1

    PR request change #2

  • PR review comment

    Pull Request review comment

  • PR assignee added

    Pull Request Assignee added

  • PR assignee removed

    Pull Request Assignee removed

  • Tagging the app

    Comment tagging the app


Installation is pretty straightforward and instantaneous. There are two methods to install:

Method #1

  1. Go to the Darkest-PR's GitHub App page
  2. Click 'Install' button
  3. Select the repositories you want to install the app
  4. Confirm the permission and click 'Install'
  5. Done! Enjoy.
  • So now whenever a use-case event occurs, or whenever you mention the app like @Darkest-PR it will respond to you!
  • Give it a try, submit a comment in any issue/PR in your repository mentioning the app. E.g: @Darkest-PR ancestor, do your thing.

Method #2

  1. Visit the public GitHub Marketplace listing
  2. Click add button
  3. Confirm the user/organization to install the app to
  4. Select the repositories you want the app to be installed
  5. Done! Enjoy.

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Code licensed ISC Docs licensed CC-BY-4.0