Managing a repository can be cumbersome :construction_worker: and tiresome :tired_face:.
Let alone managing multiple repositories used by multiple contributors and bots :anguished:.
My name is auto-me-bot!
I was created with Probot :robot: and I live my life as a serverless function residing in AWS Lambda :floppy_disk:.
I'm here to take some of the repo management load off your shoulders, just tell me what you want me to do...
Place a file :memo: called auto-me-bot.yml in your .github folder :file_folder: in the repos you want me to help out with.
# .github/auto-me-bot.yml
conventionalCommits: # this means I'll enforce conventional commit messages in PRs.
signedCommits: # this means I'll make sure all commits in PRs are signed with the 'Signed-off-by' trailer.
tasksList: # this means I'll verify completion of tasks list in PRs.
Place the file in your .github repository if you want me to take on multiple repos with one file :muscle:.
Check out the documentation to see what else I can do :call_me_hand:.
Here are some pics of me working: